Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to keep my nails healthy and strong?

I have really long nails, alot of people think they are false. My only problem is they break off so easily and sometimes they go a yellowish colour? Is there anything to make them stonger and healthier??How to keep my nails healthy and strong?
A few people had it close, but there are actually a few things that promote nail health and strength. Biotin (one of the B vitamins), Silica (found naturally in horsetail), Gelatin (found in Jell-O and Marshmallows), some of the other B vitamins (which is why some say Prenatal vitamins, as those are rich in B vitamins), and Calcium (one of the components of nails, but it doesn't help as much as the others when taken internally). Any combination of any or all of these will help to keep your nails healthy and strong.How to keep my nails healthy and strong?
Eating gelatin is also good for your nails. I used to work with a woman who ate 5 marshmallows everyday at lunch just for that purpose. I was doing it for awhile myself, and it works wonderfully.
my nails are long too, but they dont break, I do everything around the house as normal and they last and last. When i wash dishes I put gloves on, that way the chemicals dont weaken them. The key to my nails being so strong is basically eating a lot of fruits and veggies and taking vitamins and all that healthy blah blah blah stuff. It really does work. AND I dont use nailpolish, not the colored stuff, not the clear stuff, the less chemicals you put on your nails the more capable they will be of maintaing their own moisture. I also use a really really really soft nail file when i need to shape them. Usually the files that would take forever to do the filing of your nail is the best one. They dont rip the surface of the nail leaving it open to microscopic tears which turn into the nail chipping or breaking.

I also found that soaking my nails in a mixture of a cup of warm water to a half teaspoon of baking soda, takes away a lot of the natural discoloration, and makes my nails white. It also seems to help seal the edges of my nails making them smoother than any nail file could ever make them.

The softer the file the less damage to the nail

The less exposure to chemicals the more natural moisture is retained.

The more healthy nutrients your body is supplied with, the more your body will produce stronger nails. ( the same goes for skin and hair)


**I had to edit because I just saw the addition to your original question where you said you do paint them all the time, I used to paint my nails religiously every sunday sometimes even mid week if I was bored enough, I had a ton of different colors so I did all sorts of designs like flags or xmas trees and the everyday french manicure was my favorite! so I assume it would be hard to stop painting them, It may sound silly but if you want to let your nails breathe for a while then go out and buy 2 really inexpensive cocktail rings, one for each hand, no one will notice that your nails are au natural. Thats what I do!
Lots and lot of milk - no joke.

My sister did that once and she had like Freddy Kruger nails. lol. For the yellow, just keep your hands dry probably. Maybe moisture is getting underneath them and causing discoloring.
Prenatal vitamins, calcium supplements 2x a day, milk. Keep cuticles moist with lotion, and file them every few days.
Well actually nail polish actually makes them stronger but if you pick nail polish off a little bit of nail goes with it. Ive also seen nail polish that is clear and makes your nails grow quiker and get stronger, just stop by your drug store

and long nalis aren't always the greatest looking. Trim them once in a while and you will get amazing results. Also put some clear coats of nail polish =]
i heard that if you put a little crush garlic into your nail polish, they will become stronger and very long, thats what i do
Yes. I seriously suggest you get some cuticle oil. I use some that i got from a beauty supply store that has almond oil in it.

We wash our hands a lot throughout the day and that dries the nails out. Using the oil puts that moisture back in. I could never grow out my nails without it. Makes them strong and flexible and they are less prone to breakage. Nothing else works like that cuticle oil does. Also helps smooth those ridges out.
I have the same problem my nails grow and then break off at a certain length. The only thing that I have found that will help is OPI Nail Strengthener, it keeps your nails from breaking off as much.
cut them just a tad to help get rid of the dry tip. For the yellow, get some backing soda and lemon juice. Mix togther and use a Q-tip to put on underneath the nails. Leave on for at least 10 minutes. Wash them and rub lotion with a couple of drops of olive oil. I know that using a base before polishing prevents nails from getting yellow. Try skipping the darker polishers for a while and leave them natural or put on a clear polish after the base coat.
Jello may help.

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